Thursday, March 17, 2011


As you have already heard on the news, there was a massive earthquake and tsunami hit in the north of Japan; killed over 5,000 people and 10,000 are still missing.

Survivors are fighting for their lives without food, water, or blankets in freezing snowing nights. Some lost their battles and passed away in the evaculation camp due to the rough condidions there. Still, radiation leaks and anticipated upcoming earthquakes still haunt them.

I have just begun donation drive campaign at my online vintage clothing shop;  50% of your purchased price will be donated to Japan Relief Fund at American Red Cross ( on behalf of your kindness and honor to support victims and survivors of the disaster in Japan.

I will donate to the organization through online after your purchase, and I will send you a copy of receipt of the donation from the Red Cross as a proof.

Should you be interested in joining the donation, please come see at

Or you can also donate directly to some NPOs; there are some of them accepting donations:

American Red Cross:
Japanese Red Cross:
Japan Society; The Japan Earthquake Relief Fund
Mayor;s Fund to Advance New York City:
Japan Society of Fairfield County:

Our thoughts and prayers go to the victims and the survivors of the natural disaster.
Please hang in there; helps are on the way to you....

Thank you very much for your support!

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